#5 All Ears English

AEE 702: You're Welcome, Sure, No problem-What's the difference? 

How to respond to "Thank you":

"You're Welcome"語調有所不同,可以用來提醒別人有禮貌(謝謝)】
-->Formal/big deal(watch someone kids)/maybe for older generation

"You’re so/very welcome"
-->extra welcome/sweet/cute/polite/have a nice rapport with a person
something I hear women say more, kind of cute and polite

strongly contrast

-->casual/used between strangers/could be impersonal/fast-paced

"Of course"
--> could be more heartfelt or more meaningful. This is used when a friend thanks you for being a shoulder to cry on.


"No problem/Not a problem"
-->it might be younger/quick conversation/teenagers maybe/This is casual.

"Don't worry about it"
-->a light favor you do for someone/it’s a same thing like you’re welcome

I think that All Ears English Podcast is really helpful. Because I always eager to learn English that it can be used in our daily life. I remember that when I was in senior high school, I had been to language school (Gjun). We had classes that need to conversation with foreign teacher. I usually come to class early, so teacher greets me every time. He says "How do you do" or "How's it going" to me and I respond "so-so" almost every time. As I see it, I'm really really impolite. I don't know what to say because the day is nothing special. So that is the reason why I pretty like this podcast. It's helpful and closing to our life. The English sentences, words might always come in handy.


  1. I'm glad you found this site helpful to you. Totally agree, these words are so practical and could be used in our everyday conversation. Keep listening to it!


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