
Showing posts from May, 2017

#8 TED talk

Angela Lee Duckworth: Grit: The power of passion and perseverance 1.stratospheric(adj.)極高的 -->a stratospheric price, amount, level etc is extremely high or great ex:stratospheric house prices 2.perspective(n.)(思考問題的)角度、觀點、想法 -->a particular way of considering something ex:He writes from a Marxist perspective. 3.rookie(n.)新手 -->a person who is new to an organization or an activity ex:These rookie cops員警 don't know anything yet. 4.outcome(n.)結果; 效果 -->a result or effect of an action, situation, etc. ex:It's too early to predict the outcome of the meeting. 5.emerge(v.)(尤指經過審查或訊問後)為人知曉、顯露 -->to become known, especially as a result of examining something or asking questions about it ex:The facts behind scandal醜聞 are are sure to emerge eventually. 6.grit(n.)勇氣;毅力 -->courage and determination despite difficulty ex:It takes true grit to stand up to a bully. 7.stamina(n.)耐力;持久力 -->the physical and/or mental stre